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There are two ways of using this reverse proxy: as a library or as a CLI.


Given the npm package is installed:

import type { AddCertOptions, CAOptions, CertificateOptions, TlsConfig, TlsOptions } from '@stacksjs/tlsx'
import { addCertToSystemTrustStoreAndSaveCerts, config, forge, generateCert, pki, storeCertificate, tls } from '@stacksjs/tlsx'

// Generate a certificate for a single domain
const cert = await generateCertificate({
  domain: '',
  rootCA: existingCA,
  validityDays: 365,

// Generate a certificate for multiple domains
const multiDomainCert = await generateCertificate({
  domains: ['', '', '*'],
  rootCA: existingCA,
  validityDays: 365,

// Generate a certificate with both primary domain and additional domains
const combinedCert = await generateCertificate({
  domain: '',
  domains: ['', '*'],
  rootCA: existingCA,
  validityDays: 365,

// Store and trust the certificate
await addCertToSystemTrustStoreAndSaveCert(cert, rootCA.certificate)


# Generate certificate for a single domain
tlsx secure

# Generate certificate for multiple domains
tlsx secure -d ",,*"

# Generate certificate with primary domain and additional domains
tlsx secure -d ",*"

# Generate certificate with custom validity and organization
tlsx secure --validity-days 365 --organization-name "My Company"

# Show all available options
tlsx secure --help

# Show version
tlsx version

Released under the MIT License.